ERP Software

ERP Software: Finding a Happy Medium Between the Customer and Your Company

Do your ERP needs complement your customers’ demands? As a business owner, you know your ERP, or Enterprise Resource Planning, software needs to reduce costs, boost revenue, and improve efficiency, while satisfying the customers who want all the benefits and ease of doing business that your ERP allows you to provide to them. But did you know it’s time for a new ERP system to bridge the relationship between your company and its customers?

Signs it is Time to Upgrade Your Current ERP Software

As a business owner or IT manager, your main concerns and needs for the ERP system are vast.  An inefficient or outdated ERP system is not only frustrating and costly for the business, but it affects the customer too. If your ERP system is not meeting the business’s demands and customers’ needs, it time for a change. Here’s how you know:

  1. Efficiency is lagging

You want your ERP system to provide you with the necessary analytics to help you make the most efficient and cost-effective decisions possible. When was the last time you actually learned just how the process works? If you don’t understand how your current ERP software is evaluating your business operations, the process becomes ineffective and expensive quickly. Not only does the bottom line suffer, but the relationship with the existing ERP vendor suffers and the relationship with the customer suffers. NSA has been helping its clientele evaluate and update their current systems, but it doesn’t end there. It is important to NSA that their customers and potential customers understand their ERP systems to improve efficiency, to manage inventory, and to increase profits.

  1. The relationship unilateral

The relationship your company has with its ERP provider directly affects the relationship your company has with its customers. Both the provider and the company have to have a mutual relationship that is based on shared goals and expectations. Neither your business nor the ERP vendor must be in it for themselves. If you are starting to feel that your vendor does not share the same vision for success. Your company needs an ERP provider that is available at all times to handle issues as they come up, to provide you with uniform services, and is fair and easy to work with. There are no win-lose relationships. Both sides have to be in it for the long-haul.

If you feel as if you and your current ERP provider cannot get on the same page, it may be time to switch. NSA provides professional services to distribution centers and warehouses just like yours, and they take the relationship seriously. The key to a successful ERP system is a good relationship between the business and the provider, and NSA puts that first.

  1. Your business is losing time

Your company does not have time for downtime or slow implementation processes. Your company should be able to implement a new ERP strategy quickly and efficiently. You don’t have time to be bogged down by poor communication and excessive time in between signing the contract and receiving the services. Your business is their business, and your ERP provider must remember that. Once the ERP software is implemented, it must be delivered on time, it must perform as promised, and most importantly, it must stay within budget. If a company can’t promise that, it’s time to rethink your strategy.

  1. You Won’t Vouch for Your Provider

If you can’t vouch for your ERP system and provider, or you can’t bring yourself to provide them with a reference or referral, it is time to go. A professional services provider knows that their success depends on your success, and if you are unable to provide them with a reference for their services, it is not a company you can grow with.

  1. You Aren’t Growing

You want to grow with your ERP service and your provider. If that is not happening, it is time to revisit the first part of this list. Your ERP solution must be one that will last your company for more than 10 years, but it can’t do so without a flexible, monitored, and up-to-date system. The goal is to create an environment that allows companies to leverage more of their ERP software and services so that the business can expand and mature over the years.  Whether you are new to NSA or an existing client, NSA is committed to helping you grow and maintain an environment in which growth is possible. You just have to make the call.


Knowing what you want out of your ERP software is the first step, knowing how to complement your needs with your customers’ demands is our business. Don’t waste your resources and time on an ERP system that doesn’t work any longer. Contact NSA for a better solution. If budget concerns prevent you from reaching out, ask about our affordable cloud-hosted ERP solutions, too.

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