for Cutting Edge Business Solutions

Sales Strategic Solutions

Sales Automation

Sales Automation software streamlines and automates repetitive tasks in the sales process, such as managing leads, tracking customer interactions, and generating reports.

Reverse Logistics

Efficiently manage returns and recover value with our Reverse Logistics software.

Commission Solutions

Commission Solutions helps businesses streamline and automate their commission calculations, ensuring accurate, timely payments and enhancing overall sales performance.

Product/Price Management

Pricing Optimization Service is a key element of ERP systems, offering businesses the ability to fine-tune pricing strategies for products and services.


Connecting product content and commerce, delivering the platform, content, and connectivity businesses need to succeed in the digital arena.

Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a comprehensive strategy and set of practices designed to help businesses build and nurture strong relationships.

Finance/Accounting Strategic Solutions

AP Automation Solutions

Accounts payable (AP) automation is a technology that uses software to streamline and improve the accounts payable process. It can help businesses save money and increase productivity by reducing manual tasks and errors.

Credit Card/Payment Process

The payment processor sends the authorizations to the card association. The card association forwards them to the issuing bank. The issuing bank transfers the funds to the merchant bank and charges an 'interchange fee". This typically happens within 24 to 48 hours of the transaction.

Sales Tax

Tax Solutions provide businesses with tools to efficiently manage tax compliance, reporting, and optimization.

AR Automation/Payment Solution

Accounts Receivable Solutions are a vital component of ERP systems, streamlining the management of incoming payments, invoices, and customer credit.

Enterprise-Wide Strategic Solutions

Mobile Platform

Providing distributors with AI-powered mobile engagement solutions that optimize communications and drive customer engagement.

Supply Chain Platform

Offering distributors a comprehensive open SaaS supply chain platform that integrates seamlessly with Infor ERP systems to optimize operations and customer engagement.

Business Forms & Document Management

Document Management software solutions are a critical asset within ERP systems, offering businesses the ability to organize, store, and retrieve documents efficiently.


Electronic Data Interchange is a foundational technology integrated into ERP systems, enabling standardized and secure communication of business documents between organizations.

Business Intelligence & Analytics

Business Intelligence software solutions are the analytical powerhouse within ERP system.

Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery

Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery software solutions are a cornerstone of any robust ERP system.

Network Security, Backup & Recovery

Document Management software solutions are a critical asset within ERP systems, offering businesses the ability to organize, store, and retrieve documents efficiently.

Warehouse Strategic Solutions

Data Collection Devices

Barcode and Data Collection solutions are integral to ERP systems, providing businesses with tools to efficiently track and manage inventory, assets, and production processes.

Transportation Management

Transportation Management Software integrates precise rating, streamlined shipping, label generation, optimized route planning, turn-by-turn driver directions, proof of delivery (including signature capture and photos), and access to real-time delivery information within your ERP system.

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