You can’t afford a sluggish ERP system that can’t keep up with your daily operations. Your company needs a solution that is quick, efficient, and affordable. If your current ERP system is falling behind, it can’t be what you need, and it’s costing you. Check out our experts’ tips for improving your current ERP system.
1. Define the best ERP system
Before you can improve your ERP system, you need to understand what the ideal ERP system looks like for your company’s specific needs. Every manufacturing company is different, which means the needs are unique to your operations. If your company did not take this step when implementing the new ERP system, there is a lot of work to be done. Compare software, look at available apps and services, and find a company that can offer you the ideal ERP system – with the best service and maintenance – for the best price.
2. Retrain employees
Secondhand training creates problems later on. There is a good chance most of the employees who use the current ERP system need to be retrained so that they can use if properly and efficiently. Think about your company’s training practices. How long ago did employees receive training, how many times have existing employees trained new employees, and what is the system for updating old knowledge?
3. Use only what you need
An ERP system with all the bells and whistles means nothing if your company has no use for it. Ditch irrelevant apps and software, or customize them to fit your company’s needs. Most ERP solutions are one-size-fits-all, but they can be implemented effectively to boost productivity.
4. Redefine your business processes
Take a look inside your business as a whole, outside of the ERP system. What are its demands, for what is each department responsible, and who reports to whom? Complete a thorough audit of your company’s daily operations and goals, and then take a closer look at the ERP system’s role in daily operations. Once you understand how every facet of the manufacturing process works within your operations, you can determine how or what ERP system best suits your needs to maximize ROI and your profits.
5. Reevaluate your apps
Apps are one of the best features of ERP systems. They are simple, they improve communications, and they can be customized to meet the demands of each specific operation and department. Apps can also be used to leverage mobile connectivity and efficiency. Again, use only the apps each department needs, and find the apps and other third-party solutions that maximize productivity.
6. Get the right data
Obsolete data, useless data, and too much data all affect your company’s efficiency and productivity. Not to mention its bogging down your ERP system and feeding your departments with data that won’t contribute to profitable decisions and policies. Improve your ERP system with data archiving and data consolidation. Eliminate obsolete reports and get the data that puts your company back on track.
These tips are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to improving your ERP system. If you don’t know where to start, you need help determining you needs, or you need to implement a new ERP system, contact the experts at NSA.