TUG Connects 2018 is just a few weeks away! As we previously mentioned, TUG Connects is always a favorite event of ours and we look forward to the NSA team presenting again this year.If you’ll be attending TUG Connects 2018, we hope you’ll join us at one of our sessions.
Brian Weaver, VP of Cloud and ERP Sales will be presenting two different sessions:
1 –Building A Service Desk: This session is relevant to a distributor that may want to build a service desk themselves, or what to look for in an outsource partner. Realizing productivity improvements from your staff can deliver big results and is well worth the effort.
Tuesday, 3/27@ 2:45 pm
2 –Ransomware Survey: Brian will share findings from the most extensive ransomware survey ever conducted. Learn about evolving trends, changes in tactics, who is targeted the most, and, most importantly, how to recover. Gaining this knowledge is a must to prepare your company!
Wednesday, 3/28@ 1:15 pm
Kathy Lundquist, VP of Professional Services, will be presenting on the following topics:
WebUI/CSD SIG Meeting: As the WebUI/CloudSuite Distribution (CSD) SIG Leader, Kathy will be hosting this meeting and facilitating the discussion and presentations that are given here.
Monday, 3/26@ 1:00-4:00 pm
SX.e/WebUI –Administrator Options (AO): Administrator options, also referred to as system flags, are key to configuring your SX.e system if your company is: preparing for a go live, upgrading multiple versions or reviewing existing settings. This session will help you understand how the AOs impact your business.
Tuesday, 3/27@ 1:15 pm
Ad Hoc Reporting in SX.e via Excel: While SX.e has a large variety of standard reports, there are many times your company needs specific data that is not easily obtained from these reports. Leveraging standard tools in Excel to create quick reports will be a game changer!
Wednesday, 3/28@ 4:15 pm
SX.e/WebUI -Finance and G/L Overview: This session examines system integrations to the general ledger, control accounts, and balancing.
Thursday, 3/29@ 9:30am
Linda Gavin, Senior Business Consultant, will be presenting on the following topics:
1- Inventory Replenishment –Set it and Forget it: Are you aware of the settings that facilitate the Buyer’s Control Center? This session will take a look at the Administrative Options (AO) for Purchase Order Replenishment and Warehouse Transfer Replenishment.
Tuesday, 3/27@ 2:45 pm
2 -Working with Master Customers, Ship To’s and Groups: This session will review the AR Master records in GUI and WebUI/CSD. The Group feature allows you to group customers having a common thread, and also offers you flexibility in performing several AR tasks.
Thursday, 3/29@ 11:00am
Carol Shinya, Director of Global Accounts, will be presenting on the following topics:
1- SXE/WEBUI SASO -Operator setup and security: Review different operator security attributes and learn how to optimize creation and maintenance. This session covers function security, security flags, control considerations and more.
Tuesday, 3/27@ 4:15 pm
2-Navigation Techniques –WEBUI: This session covers navigating WebUI, including the structure of different windows, performing the different searches and leveraging the various inquiries.
Wednesday, 3/28@ 2:45pm
If you’d like more information about our sessions or if you’d like to meet with NSA at TUG Connects, please contact us here.