Understanding the Benefits of ERP Programs

Understanding the Benefits of ERP Programs

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is the new way to get your business organized. A great ERP program will integrate internal and external business information and compress it within a single, comprehensive management solution.

Benefits of an ERP program:

    • ERP software solutions decrease business operating costs by an average of 13%.
    • These programs can reduce administrative costs (such as accounting, contracting, and industrial relations) by an estimated 10%.
    • Enterprise business software can improve product shipment rates by up to 13% by keeping better track of where those products are around the world.

What does an ERP program do? ERP software companies stress the importance of these systems because they help organizations manage basic commercial functions, such as employee payroll management, inventory, and budgeting for marketing campaigns and sales. The best inventory software will also allow outside stakeholders to assess how a business is doing while also keeping all employees on the same page regarding expenses and profits.

How do the programs work? An ERP program uses a database to hold all of your company information, including the information that you and your employees can all access. Usually, ERP programs are cloud-based, meaning anyone within the company can look up data any time, anywhere. These software solutions also only run on one application, which will put less strain on a company’s network speed.

What do ERP programs have to offer? Inventory control programs, because they have a single data source for products and services, can enhance product development and increase a company’s overall market share.

The software will be able to reduce over-ordering products because your employees will now know exactly how much product you have on the shelves at all times. You can now meet customer demands on certain products that you may have be running out on in the past.

One of the greatest aspects about an ERP program is that you have invoicing, sales, and purchase orders all under the same system. You will be able to toggle back and forth between spreadsheets and quickly assess your monthly revenue as well as determine which products were more in demand at a particular time.

Always make sure to compare and contrast various ERP programs before purchasing one, because you may find that the more money you spend on one program, the more features you get.

​​NSA Computer Exchange has been helping distribution companies implement plans and processes to improve business since 1984. If your looking for a better way to manage data, streamline efficiencies, boost productivity and grow your profits contact ​​Patrick VanPutte, NSA President. Let our 30 years of experience and expertise in the business accelerate your success.

As a leading business software service organization for distributors, NSA Computer Exchange Corp is ready and available to help you work smarter and grow your distribution company faster, why not find out how we can help? Give us a call at 516.240.6020 or email us at today.

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