Webinar Series #42: Using Total Warehouse Logistics Auto Drop Rules to Automate the Process

When: August 24, 2022 2:00 pm


If your distribution company’s warehouse automation can be improved upon, we invite you to tune in to this webinar session. NSA’s Barry Cooper is a Senior Business Consultant with a specialization in Total Warehouse Logistics (TWL) and he’ll supply webinar participants with an in-depth explanation of how TWL Auto Drop Rules support the company’s warehouse automation in general and improves the order dropping process.
You’ll also discover HOW the rules are created and when they’re commonly used. If you haven’t already implemented Auto Drop Rules, you may want to give it another thought after we elaborate on the details and benefits. Having operations optimized with automation including Auto Drop Rules, you’ll be on your way to increased productivity and profits.

Key takeAways: What You'll Learn

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