Phocas Rebates offers a solution that makes it quick and easy to have more accuracy, visibility, efficiency, and control of your rebate program. Join our webinar, Winning the rebate game: 3 steps to bette¬r purchasing decisions, to learn how you can maximize strategic decision-making with the business data you have right at your fingertips.
Key takeAways: What You'll Learn
- Uncover information hidden in spreadsheets to be more strategic in your purchasing and negotiating behavior.
- Plan more accurately and maximize your rebates with enhanced visibility of your data — straight out of your purchasing database.
- Get more insights into rebates owed with the “near miss” enhancement by easily keeping your eye on targets and taking action to meet them.When margins are tight, you need to account for every dollar in your rebates program, and visibility and accuracy are critical. Join our webinar to find out how.