Webinar Series #45: URGENT! The Time is Now to E-Connect with Your Trading Partners and Customers

When: December 6, 2022 2:00 pm


In 40 minutes we will “Rapid Fire” all the variables you should consider and all you need to make an informed decision …and act.

Join the team from UniLink for a discussion on the key steps for a successful EDI journey. We’ll discuss challenges and proactive solutions you can utilize as you implement EDI for your organization.

We will also announce our new Rebate product details.

nsa logo

Key takeAways: What You'll Learn

We will discuss the IF, how, why, who, when, and where…Alternatives.

special offer:

If you sign an agreement before the end of Q1 2023, we will waive the connection fee for PO and PO Ack for 2 trading partners and your connection fee to our data center. A $1400 value. 

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