Thankful for our great people

Thankful for our great people

With the Thanksgiving season upon us, we wanted to take a moment to give thanks to our greatest assets…our people. Everyone knows that people can be a business’s greatest asset if you can find ones with just the right mix of intelligence, work ethic, and passion. At NSA, we could not be more proud of the team that we’ve assembled who are truly the foundation of the company and really the biggest reason for our 30+ years of success. They are hands down, the biggest differentiators in the ERP consulting world.


What makes our people so special?


Besides being just all around great people in general, the people at NSA are loyal and fantastic to work with. It may come as a surprise, but most of our staff have been with us for over 15 years, which is no small feat in today’s world where employees tend to move from one company to the next. And while this is certainly a benefit for us here at NSA, just think about that from our client’s business perspective for a moment: they reap the rewards of our employee’s loyalty by gaining consistency, never having to wonder who will help them or worry about getting shuffled through a switchboard when they call. This makes NSA’s staff very valuable to us and our clients.


Another reason our people are great at what they do is that a large majority of them have come from large and successful distribution companies themselves, so they know the “language” of our clients’ business already. It is a great feeling to know that we are on the same page with our clients from the moment we get involved in their business. And yes, we do step into our clients’ businesses all the time, especially during implementation or migration projects, sometimes even becoming embedded into our clients’ businesses for the duration of a project. The commitment our staff shows to our clients is unrivaled and that too makes us, and our clients, extremely thankful to have them be a part of the NSA family.


We may be a little biased when it comes to telling everyone how great our people are, but with a team like this, it’s hard not to be extremely proud of their accomplishments over the last year as we celebrate this being another best year for us. In fact, to help celebrate those accomplishments, NSA as a whole will be going into growth mode for a few days in sunny Ft. Lauderdale, Florida for a well-deserved company masterminding conference.


Thankful, grateful, and truly appreciative of everyone’s efforts this year!


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