NSA Computer Exchange Corp. and Acumatica Event Information: Connected World- Connect Business

Location: The Marriott East Side

Date: May 15th, 2015

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (followed by an optional lunch)



  • 9:00 – 9:30 a.m. – Continental Breakfast
  • 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. – Harness The Power of The Cloud: Acumatica Overview & Demos
  • 11:00 – 11:30 a.m. – Open Q&A with Acumatica Executives and Customers
  • 11:30 – 12:30 p.m. – (Optional) Hosted Lunch and ISV Community Connections event




What is the purpose of this event?

Acumatica and the NSA Computer Exchange Corp. are coming together to host this event to provide you, future and current business professionals, with the essential tools and skills associated with the topic of cloud computing, that you will allow you to broaden, expand, and advance your companies as a whole. This involves:

1. Teaching you how to take advantage of Cloud ERP to build growth, increase profits, and utilize potential.

2. Providing you with insight into the workings and successes of businesses that share the same ideals and markets as yours.

3. Showing you how to use the economically efficient cloud technology in order to surpass your competition and reach optimum productivity.

4. Instructing you on the benefits of using Acumatica’s Cloud ERP in order to obtain power within your business, while highlighting your strengths and putting your people on the fast track to success.

Why use cloud computing?

Cloud computing has become an innovation in the realm of communication, file sharing, and organization for business. It provides users with direct access to files on the go, from multiple locations around the office or at home, across various mediums. By expanding and mobilizing your business, with respect to file and information sharing options, you will allow your employees and co-workers the ability to improve quality of work as well as hours of availability. While the platform enables sharing of files and information, privacy is not neglected. This suite of business applications ensure that both your data and the client’s data remain protected and secure. Using Acumatica’s Cloud ERP will undoubtedly boost productivity, and thus profitability by broadening the ways in which data can be retrieved; iPad, iPhone, Android- Windows, Mac, Linux, all are supported for this cloud computing platform, giving you the capacity to choose where, when and how to conduct business.

This event will ensure that you leave with a better understanding of how crucial Acumatica’s Cloud ERP is to the growth of your business. As well as how harnessing this platform’s computing abilities will positively transform the way your business runs, resulting in an increase in your company’s efficiency, productivity, profit margins and magnitude of success.


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